Choosing the Best Accountant For Your Business

Choosing and utilizing an accountant or accountancy firm for your company whether it is large or tiny, can be a critical choice. Many people are unaware that virtually everyone can start their own in business and promote and claim to be an accountant.Boekhouder ZZP Leiden

Here are some of the most important factors to consider when deciding which accountant to use If you’re UK located:


The certification you should look for is Chartered or an Chartered certified Accountancy practice. (Whilst anyone can be as an accountant, just those who have passed the rigorous professional exams can be called chartered).

The Chartered Accounting profession and Chartered Certified by passed the exams established in the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) or, alternatively, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

The ICAEW is the most prestigious professional accounting organization of the European Union with over one hundred and twenty-five thousand members. The ICAEW’s accreditation is accepted all over the world as an enviable professional qualification. Once this exam institute has passed, members can be referred to as a chartered accountant and utilize the designations ACA or FCA which they select is contingent on the expertise the person has and the length of time they have been a member.

ACCA provides an Chartered Certified Accountant qualification which is accompanied by the designations ACCA and FCCA.

Professionally qualified accountants should keep their skills to ensure they are up-to-date. This is why members are required to take CPD or Continuing Professional Development. CPD to keep their knowledge current. Similar to other professions, such as surveyors. CPD requirements usually require many hours per year to increase one’s knowledge. It can be accomplished through many methods such as studying on your own, attending classes or seminars. In the event that the bulk (typically 75 percent) of partners or owners of an accounting company have been chartered, then the company is able to be referred to as Chartered Accountants’ .

While it is not mandatory to employ an accountant chartered to manage your financials In the UK when your business or company is able to generate more than an amount that is certain, you’ll require your accounts examined. Auditing your accounts is however only possible by a registered firm of auditors.

In the end, when choosing the accountant to choose, you must choose from the list of accountants with professional credentials or are part of an organization that is labeled Chartered Accountants to adequately ensure your financial issues will be taken care of and overseen by trained personnel.

The type of firm

You must choose the type and size of accounting practices that are suitable for your company’s needs. If you’re a multinational business, a regionally-based small firm is probably not the right option. A small to medium-sized business (SME) that has a modest turnover or even a newly established business is likely to not receive the best services from an international accounting firm.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that the company you select should be able to meet your needs as your business expands. When choosing an accounting firm, look for one with clients that are larger than you, so that they are experienced working with companies at the size you are planning to reach. In addition, although Tax advice remains the mainstay of accounting, the majority of firms nowadays offer a variety of management functions as well as analysis to assist you in making educated decisions about how to organize and expand your company. These services are beneficial to those who are looking to expand their business.

Another thing to consider is the accounting firm’s field of specialization. The primary thing to check is whether they are working with similar companies from the same industry.


If you want to be a bit more knowledgeable it is essential to be able to communicate and with the accounting professional on a personal basis. If you don’t, it’s difficult to connect with them. The most competent accountants will take an interest in the affairs of your business and the world of business in general. Be aware that your accountant has his own company and has been required to deal with several of the problems and issues you’ll face in the course of your everyday work. Your accountant’s ability to communicate with you and share details on what to do can be an asset to your business. There will be times that your accountant needs to advise you that you’re performing something incorrectly or that there is something you must address. If you’ve earned respect for one another, this procedure will be much more straightforward. Keep in mind that your accountant is working with you as a member of your team and will be working to make sure that you’re successful.


At one time, every account was completed by hand-written ledgers. These days, it is virtually impossible. In addition, it’s common to discover that numerous businesses maintain their accounts using simple software. The most important thing to verify to make sure is that your accounting firm is able to accept the electronic files to their system. Additionally, if they want to access the files to be managed by an owner-owned software system, does this mean you purchasing the program to work with the files. Document management solutions for electronic documents are getting more well-known. There are systems that let you store the copies of documents you have on servers, which you can then allow your accountant access. This allows for a rapid transfer of data, whereas before it could have taken weeks, the result that your accountant will be able to respond quicker and with greater efficiency.


Many people trust personal recommendations to select an accountant. Most business networking groups has an accountant on the board since they are aware that personal recommendations of these networks generate good leads. The process of selecting an accountant via recommendation will give you a large amount of certainty as compared to choosing an accountant through your phone or advertisements on the internet. Therefore, ask your friends or colleagues from your company about the accountant they employ (or would not employ!) and the reason for the choice. Ask others you come in contact with, like solicitors or bank managers, to provide any information they may have regarding accounting companies.






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