6 Popular Massage Styles for Massage Newbies

There are numerous different kinds of massage available. The type you prefer will depend on your own personal preferences and the type of massage your body is looking for right now. If you’re new to massage, the options can be overwhelming. We’ve put together an overview and descriptions of the most well-known types of therapeutic massage to ensure that you’re equipped with at the very least basic understanding. Hovedpine (headache)

1. Swedish Massage

Swedish massage has been the base for a variety of Western forms of massage such as deep tissue massage, sports massage as well as aromatherapy massage. The name is derived from the Swedish originator of the method in the 1800’s.

In general it is the case that a Swedish massage is given in complete silence and then covered by the sheet. The therapist is only exposed to the area of the body that he or she is working on, which is known as “draping.” But a person who is modest might feel more comfortable wearing their underwear on , which is fine.

Massage therapists employ massage oils or lotions to help facilitate effortless, flowing strokes, known as Effleurage. Other traditional Swedish massage techniques include friction, kneading stretching, and (sometimes) tapping. These are the fundamental strokes , and the therapist moves from one technique to the next using a moderate to light pressure.

2. Deep Tissue Massage

This form of massage therapy is focused on affecting and reaching the muscles’ deeper layers as well as connective tissues.

It is typically used to ease tension in chronically tight areas, like stiff necks and tight back muscles and sore shoulders.

The majority of strokes are similar to those within the Swedish massage, however the speed of movement is slower and the pressure more intense. The therapist employs elbows and fingers to gain more penetration of muscles to treat adhesions (bands of stiff, painful tissue) in tendons, muscles and ligaments.

The process of deep tissue massage involves physically breaking down these adhesions to restore normal movement and function of muscles. It’s normal for people to feel discomfort or stiffness after an intense massage however it should ease after the next day or two.

Massage for deep tissue is commonly utilized by athletes and active individuals to keep their body from injury and ready to go.

3. Sports Massage

There are certain goals that are shared with other types of massage. It is crucial for the massage therapist to have an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology of muscular and pelvic systems. In understanding these systems as well as the results of exercise, the use of massage in a smart way can be beneficial to the person who is playing and becomes an integral component of the athletes’ training.

The fundamental strokes are identical, however they are executed in a more relaxing manner according to the needs of the athlete. The stretching is integrated into the massage , and the practitioner may concentrate on one particular area instead of the entire body.

Massages for sports can be done 45 minutes prior to an event, and one hour after the event , or in the course of an athlete’s regular training routine.

4. Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi is a Hawaiian type of massage. It is perhaps best comprehended through one of the other terms of Lomi Lomi, and that is “Loving Hands” massage.

To comprehend the profundity that lies in Lomi Lomi massage, it is important to be aware of the Hawaiian philosophy known as Huna and the ways in which the principles of Huna connect to massage and healing. Huna is essentially the belief that all things seek harmony and that everything is seeking love.

Lomi Lomi is able to penetrate gently but deeply into muscles using smooth, continuous strokes completely nourishing the body helping the person to unwind, surrender and just relax and. The technique is an essential element of massage however, the majority part of it is performed through love, the massage therapist is focused on the client by using gentle hands and a heart that is loving.

The combination of complete energy and long, continuous, flowing strokes, as well as tender touch, soothes the whole being. The intention is to aid in letting go of old patterns, beliefs and behaviors that can cause limitations that are stored within the cells of our body.

5. Shiatsu Massage

If you are visiting an shiatsu practitioner dress in loose, thin and comfortable clothing like linen or cotton. When you go to a traditional shiatsu treatment, you’ll be lying on the floor flat with a beaded mat or even a futon.

Shiatsu is founded on the holistic approach of traditional Chinese treatment, where disease is believed to be caused by imbalances in the flow of energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”) throughout the body.

Practitioners will utilize their thumbs and fingers in order to exert pressure on certain locations on the body’s energetic pathways, also known as meridiens. They may also employ different techniques, including stretching, rocking, and joint rotations. Acupressure is a different type of therapy that is inspired by the shiatsu method of massage.

6. Thai Massage

Thai massage is an old kind of massage that originated in India hundreds of years ago. It was only practiced through Buddhist monks. The Thai culture then adopted similar techniques to create the modern version of massage we use today.






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